My travel through Soutamerica is shortly coming to an end. I am really happy that one of my dreams comes true.
One of the oriental philosphers said: "Life is a travel. Travelling is living twice". I like it. In my opinion it is much more than living two times.
On the road you meet people and when you get to know them you start living also their lives. It is even easier with all the internet we have now.
In thist travel I was lucky to meet the bikers like me. I would like to present them to you, all who read this blog. As their travels will last longer or much longer than mine, after I settle down home you will still have the kind of entertainment and the source of inspiracion if you think you get on the track one day.
Sofie and Rudy from Belgium whom I met in Buenos Aires. Mountains lovers. They went south so there was no chance to meet again. Fantastic photographs. It looks like you have the real summer down there.
Lisa nad Grif from Canada. Before heading north like us they went down to Tierra del Fuego. Travelling fast. I hope to meet you somewhere in Colombia when you are back from Galapagos.
Lenny from New York. In five months made the incredible solo ride north from NY to Alaska and all the way down to Peru where we met. Lenny is going south to Tierra del Fuego. What then? I wish Lenny to find his place in this wonderful continent.
Fantastic story with the fake bill I gave you, Lenny (all of you please read it on Lenny's blog). If it was not that you paid the corrupted cops using it, I would have felt guilty. I hope those were the same cops we had to pay, north of Lima. If so, you took a good revenge for me. I feel ashamed how much we paid.
Toshiro I met south of Quito, riding, yes, Honda 250!!!. He started his travel in May 2010 in Japan and went the incredible track west through Russia, Mongolia to Europe. He visited Poland in August. Than in the Americas from Tierra del Fuego all the way up to the Northern America. I hope to meet Toshiro in Colombia.
Toshiro's blog may me difficult to read for some of us. I suggest using automatic translators.
I wish you, my friends, safe and adventurous travels and hope to meet you again soon.
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